Metabio at WBAF Instabul

Metabio took part in “13ο Πολυσυνέδριο ΚΑΙΝΟΤΟΜΙΑ & ΑΝΑΠΤΥΞΗ”
November 30, 2017
Metabio successfully raises its first angel investment round, €50,000, from a group of angels investors from Greece and the UK.
May 2, 2019
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Metabio at WBAF Instabul

Metabio was one of the few selected startups around the world that took partin the processes of the World Business Angel Forum, 2018, in Instabul. In the few days of the proceedings, we were able to promote
Metabio’s innovation and discuss industry problems with fellow scientists, angel investors as well as the public. The overall impact of Metabio in the community was again firm and new partnerships and cooperations were discussed,
arranged and predicted.

It was really great that the Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey, H.E. Mehmet Simsek, took interest in Metabio’s booth and had a small talk with our CEO, Panagiotis Katsaounis, about Metabio and possible collaborations
with the Turkish Goverment.

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